Smithsonian Institution

Branding • Family of Sites and Apps

Project Codename: Golden Eagle

This family of websites, web apps and mobile apps helped the Laboratory for Visual Learning publish critical scientific research about learning disabilities such as dyslexia, in an accessible and shareable manner.

Client: Smithsonian Institution - Laboratory for Visual Learning
Services: Branding, Web Design, Web Development, Mobile App Development

A Family of Digital Platforms

Over a number of years, we helped the Smithsonian Institution Laboratory for Visual Learning publish research, connect with various audience, and test their hypotheses.

The Read Easy website combines interactive presentation tools, a catalog of research, and an online course for educators to gain certification in these topics.

The Inctech Olympiad contest helps high school students to find a solution to a problem they’re currently facing, and submit the results of their exploration for a chance to win scholarship funds.

Can we help
your vision
take flight?